Welcome to our Department!
Department Staff: 1 Professor, 6 Associate Professors, 1 Laboratory Technician
Subjects and Courses of Study:
Orthopedic dentistry;
Surgical dentistry;
Therapeutic dentistry;
Pediatric dentistry;
General dentistry.
At the department, they study:
interns of I year of study in the specialty "Dentistry";
trainee doctors in pre-certification courses in the specialty "General dentistry";
trainee doctors in pre-certification courses in the specialty "Therapeutic dentistry"
trainee doctors in pre-certification courses in the specialty "Orthopedic dentistry";
trainee doctors on the thematic improvement courses "Actual issues of permanent prosthetics"
trainee doctors on the thematic improvement courses "Actual issues of endodontics and periodontology"
trainee doctors on the thematic improvement courses "Organization and methods of medical and preventive care in Dentistry"
trainee doctors in thematic improvement "Topical issues of endodontics and periodontology"
trainee doctors in thematic improvement " Organization and methods of treatment and prevention in dentistry"
trainee doctors in "Therapeutic Dentistry" specialization courses
trainee doctors in "Children's Dentistry" specialization courses
trainee doctors in "General Dentistry" specialization courses
Way of learning: