Department  staff (from right to left): Assoc. prof., O.I Lebid, Assoc. prof., V.M. Luchynskyi, Assoc. prof., H.V. Stoikevych, Prof., V.V. Shcherba., Assoc. prof., K.M. Duda, Assoc. prof., V.R. Machogan,, Assoc. prof. B.O. Palasyuk, lab. M.S. Sampara (2024)

Assoc. prof. Machogan V.R. together with an intern doctor,
Intern doctors practice practical skills in dental implantation (2023)
practices dental implantation skills  (2023)

Prof. Shcherba V.V. together with an intern doctor performs remediation
Assoc. prof. Machogan V.R. carries out remediation of the patient's oral cavity (2023)
of the military serviceman's oral cavity  (2023)

 Assoc. Prof. Stoikevich H.V. takes an exam at an intern  (2023)

                                                   Prof. Shcherba V. V. takes an exam at an intern (2023)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

Assoc. prof. Palasiuk B.O. takes an exam at an interns (2021) Stoikevich H.V. takes an exam at an interns (2021)    

Department  staff (from left to right): Assoc. prof., H.V. Stoikevych, Assoc. prof., K.M. Duda, Assoc. prof., O.I Lebid, assistant. І.М. Yavorska-Skrabut, Assoc. prof., V.R. Machogan, Assoc. prof., V.M. Luchynskyi, Assoc. prof., V.V. Shcherba, Assoc. prof. B.O. Palasyuk, lab. M.S. Sampara (2020)

Assoc. prof., V.R. Machogan during the election of the rector of Ternopil National Medical University by I.Ya. Gorachevsky (2020) 

prof. S. Zaporozhyan, Assoc. prof, V. Scherba, Assoc. prof., V.Machogan after Ken Kurodo's lecture on 3D diagnostics in dentistry (2020)

Assoc. pfoff., V. Machogan, Assoc. proff., O. Lebid  during the conference of young scientists (2020) 

Conducting a practical lesson at the Department of Dentistry (2020) 

Interns perform rehabilitation of the oral cavity (2020)

Department staff (from left to right): lab. M.S. Sampara, Assoc. prof., V.M. Luchynskyi ,, H.V. Stoikevych, prof. S.I. Cherkashin,, K.M. Duda, Assoc. prof., V.V. Shcherba, Assoc. prof., O.I. Lebid, Assoc. prof., V.R. Machogan (2019) 

Department staff on internship at Ternopil National Economic University (2018)

Assoc. prof. V.M. Luchynskyi, Assoc. prof., V.V. Shcherba

Business trip to Estonian Business School (Tallinn, 2018)

 prof. V.V. Shcherba, Assoc. prof. P.R. Levytskyy , Assoc. prof. V.M. Luchynskyi, Assoc. prof. I.O. Rogalskyy

The state examinations at the Department of Dentistry of educational-scientific institute of postgraduate education (2018), H.V. Stoikevych

Assoc.proffesor  Duda Kateryna Mykhailivna prepares interns for licensing exam Step 3 (2018)

Conducting a practical training at the Department of Dentistry of educational-scientific institute of postgraduate education (2018)

Rehabilitation of the oral cavity for young patients of the Ternopil Regional Municipal Orphanage for school-age children (2017), H.V. Stoikevych

Assoc. proffesor Stoikevich Halina Volodymyrivna treat the patient (2017)

Assoc. proffesor Lebid Oksana Ivanivna conducts practical training with interns (2017)

Participants of the 14th International Dental Exhibition "Dental - Ukraine" and the XIV International Dental Forum (2016)